A Cowgirls Heart

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Here is another non sewing related post, but it is something else close to my heart–horses and the wild west. As a girl I dreamed of horses and all that they encompassed. That horse smell, the feeling of utter freedom while riding, the tender look from their big illuminating eyes, and that soft feel of their velvety noses.

I became a “real” cowgirl at the age of 10 when I was blessed my with my first pony. I had been bitten by the horse bug, a bug that, much to my Dad’s dismay never went away.

Another dream that whittled its way inside my heart at a young age, was to find a cowboy, not to be confused with a hick, farm boy, or red neck! After kissing a few frogs I had yet to find my cowboy. I moved to CA and found my horse love, Sailor, a retired thoroughbred. Shortly after I met a Englishman and fell in love.

Little did I know he was a cowboy at heart. Little by little he has gotten his feet wet and fallen in love with Sailor as much as I have. Last week, I showed up at the barn to feed Sailor, and my cowboy was there already cleaning out his pen. Mind you he had taken Sailor and his horsey neighbor, Hope, who tends to be a little rambunctious, out to the pasture as well. In that moment, I knew I had finally found my cowboy.

My cowboy, who until I had met him had never even touched a horse. My cowboy, who now calls my horse “his boy.” My cowboy who cleans out Sailors stall and brings him carrots.


My Sailor Boy


Me and my cowboy 🙂

2 thoughts on “A Cowgirls Heart

    knittingirl40 said:
    May 7, 2013 at 7:46 am

    Great post! Beautiful horse. Love comes at us unexpectedly sometimes, doesn’t it?

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